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Azure NetApp Files Expands with Data Centers in Germany and the UAE

As part of the Azure NetApp® Files global expansion, we are excited to announce that Azure NetApp Files is now available in two more data centers: Germany West Central and UAE Central. This expansion brings local service to enterprises in both countries for the first time and adds two new regions to our increasing list of regions that we serve.

Since Microsoft announced general availability of Azure NetApp Files a year ago, some of the key use cases that have emerged include:

  • Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)
  • SAP
  • High-performance computing (HPC)

The manufacturing sector as well as energy and financial services are just some of the industries that are achieving significant performance and reliability benefits from Azure NetApp Files.

This expansion is good news for Germany, with its strong focus on manufacturing in diverse industries, from automotive to chemical and from pharmaceutical to natural resources. In addition, our data center is fully General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant and meets the stringent requirements of the German government for data sovereignty in that nation. German companies that are bound by those sovereignty regulations can now benefit from Azure NetApp Files, one of the fastest-growing service in the Microsoft Azure portfolio.

Our new data center in the United Arab Emirates is also a positive step for companies that are based in the region. The UAE economy’s continued dominance in petroleum and natural gas and its strong financial services industry are optimal use cases for Azure NetApp Files.

Organizations with mission-critical information in Oracle databases are also increasingly turning to Azure NetApp Files to solve their most pressing challenges. They overcome these challenges with benefits such as:Azure NetApp Files Solves Challenges for Oracle Databases

  • Low latency of <1ms
  • Fast backups with NetApp Snapshot™ copies
  • Fast application refresh operations

Azure NetApp Files delivers a fully managed, native file-sharing service in the Azure cloud. Fast and easy to get started, it provides on-premises-like performance, low latency, and dynamic scalability to meet the changing requirements of your business — and it offers a 99.99% uptime guarantee. Finally, your production databases can reside in the cloud.

Get Started with Azure NetApp Files Today

Azure NetApp Files is available in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Japan, Asia-Pacific, and Australia, with other new regions frequently being added. 

Watch for more expansion announcements soon. Or why wait? Get started right away. Watch this short 45-second video and register to be onboarded to the Microsoft whitelist for Azure NetApp Files today.

Cloud Data Services
