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HACKING TO WIN: Developing Innovating Applications at the DevWeek16 Hackathon

March 30, 2016

Topics: Cloud Volumes ONTAP AWS4 minute read


Hackathon developers filled up three floors at Galvanize in San Francisco.

The weekend flew by for all of us at the DevWeek16 Hackathon in San Francisco. The energy and enthusiasm were high at Galvanize, the venue for this year’s DeveloperWeek kick-off event. Participants, sponsors and volunteers filled up three floors of the cool co-working space which caters to tech entrepreneurs and students. Additional Hackathon developers coded furiously from neighboring buildings and remote locations.   

The NetApp team, which included engineers and software specialists, was excited to see some familiar faces from the Integrate Hackathon held in Sunnyvale last September. We also met a lot of new hackers who dropped by to visit, share stories, learn and talk about NetApp’s Cloud Volumes ONTAP (formerly ONTAP Cloud). NetApp offered two distinct Hackathon Challenges, both of which offered significant prizes – including DJI Phantom 3 drones -- and kept us at the top of the Challenges list.  


NetApp's Navdeep Bawa and Kevin Hill discuss DevOps with developer Robert Kelly. 

The NetApp Hackathon Challenges offered teams a choice of: 1) developing an application of their choice using our enterprise data storage for cloud, Cloud Volumes ONTAP, or 2) creating a scalable DevOps environment.

Projects were judged by two groups of NetApp technologists, all of whom were greatly impressed with the efforts the teams put into their design, development and presentation. We were happy to see so many teams compete using Cloud Volumes ONTAP for AWS data storage infrastructure. The diversity of the teams was also impressive; competitors included enterprise engineers, startup technologists, entrepreneurs, university students and a few soloists. 

We’d like to offer our congratulations to five winners of NetApp’s Hackathon Challenges, all of whom showed creativity and innovation in creating diverse solutions to solve real-world business problems using NetApp technology. Three prizes were awarded for Challenge 1, “Develop innovative cloud app using file services on NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP”:


Fei_and_Yohannes_1773_407x450.jpgFIRST PRIZE: Beyond Disaster Recovery

Team Members:  Fei Xue and Yohannes Kifle

Fei Xue and Yohannes Kifle greatly impressed NetApp judges with their data management application, “Beyond Disaster Recovery,” which provides managed multi-cluster/disaster recovery services using continuous mirroring of critical business information stored on hundreds of databases distributed around the globe. The continuous processing model, which offered ‘follow the sun’ features, could be extended to multi-platform and multi-cloud environments. Check out Beyond Disaster Recovery’s project to learn more about this innovative application. 

Fei and Yohannes demo their application, Beyond Disaster Recovery.  

SECOND PRIZE:  Expert Zone

Team Members:  Mary Casserly, Philip Li, Brian Cottrell and Gabi Zuniga

Mary, Philip, Brian and Gabi created Expert Zone, a virtual marketplace of experts designed to help students connect directly to tutors and learning materials. The application allows users to search and view videos, or connect to experts for video conference question and answer sessions. Hosted on NetApp’s Cloud Volumes ONTAP using RedisLabs database for images and video, Expert Zone also utilizes image-to-text APIs, the Retina API to compare questions and answers, and Citrix Concierge for video conferencing. 


Expert Zone wins Second Place and takes home a DJI Phantom 3 drone. 


THIRD PRIZE:  MoneyFriends

Team Members: Silas Barta, Jason Xu and Adrian Sameli

Silas, Jason and Adrian designed and developed MoneyFriends, an application which allows financially-smart consumers and businesses to securely store and backup their financial data using NetApp's Cloud Volumes ONTAP.


Shane Jarvie presents JitterTAP to NetApp DevOps judges. 

In addition, NetApp awarded two prizes for our second Challenge, “Create a scalable DevOps environment using NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP for AWS”:


Team Members: Shane Jarvie, Jeremy Lucas, Kevin Chun and Jonathan Ben-tzur

Shane, Jeremy, Kevin and Jonathan created JitterTAP to power a Mesosphere DevOps environment utilizing NetApp data management and storage services. JitterTAP is a geographically-aware continuous content distribution platform which leverages NetApp technology on top of the Apache Mesos framework. Consumable content updates (e.g. videos, news) are automatically packaged and distributed based on developer-defined rules, leveraging NetApp's FlexClone technology for in-use copies. The FlexClone volumes provide storage optimization, efficiency and scaling across thousands of Mesos instances. End-to-end integration with Github Webhooks, Jenkins CI, and Mesosphere DCOS allows for instant distribution across thousands of server instances.


JitterTAP team takes First Place for NetApp's DevOps Challenge.  


Team Members:  Michael Janke, Michael Weisz and Pascal Crenzin

Developers Michael, Michael and Pascal created EasySpinUp, a collaboration environment which enables developer teams to easily spin up environments within seconds on NetApp’s Cloud Volumes ONTAP. NetApp judges were impressed with the use case presented as it demonstrated true document collaboration. A master database of resumes in various languages was cloned using NetApp’s FlexClone. The master database was then presented to different geos in different languages. 

EasySpinUp_1803_400x290.jpg Michael, Michael and Pascal demo their DevOps project, EasySpinUp, winning Second Place. 


We’d also like to offer a shout out to three projects which earned Honorable Mentions:


Team Member: Robert Kelly

metaGit is a DevOps project which autoloads a user's repository into Cloud Volumes ONTAP, making it easy to have multiple branches loaded simultaneously to enable continuous deployment.


Team Member: Angel Rivera 


Team Members:  Kaushik Ashodiya and Soham Ashodiya


Angel_Rivera_NetApp_tshirt_1755_320x200.jpgAngel Rivera, Hackathon developer, works on NetApp's DevOps Challenge.


Many thanks to all of the architects, designers, developers and software engineers who competed on the NetApp Challenges. We hope to see you at the Integrate Hackathon in Sept. 2016. ‘Til then, keep on coding and keep on creating!



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NetApp Hackathon team: Carols Reynard, Michael Elliott, Navdeep Bawa, Narjit Chadha and Ken Lee.


Cloud Evangelism Team, NetApp Inc.
